This is the souvenir shop in the car park. These gentlemen just loved me!!
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12:01 AM
"I was simply restless, quite likely because of a dissatisfaction with the recent trajectory of my life, and if there is a better, more compelling reason for dropping everything and moving to the end of the world, I don't know what is."
--J. Maarten Troost, The Sex Lives of Cannibals (2004)
Beautiful shots, as usual sweetie!! Travel safe!!hughugs
Nice shots. I'd love to watch them thatching the roof and walls.
I love British thatch, I love tropical thatch. We have none of it here.
That's such a skill isn't it. Thatches always put me off, on account of the spiders in it. I'm guessing the spiders where you are, are ten times the size? Brr. I can hardly dare imagine.
I'm a bit with Lynn, Jules, it freaks me out just thinking of rats, mice, cockies etc that live in thatch. it does look great though.
Excellent pictures.. I'm sure where ever you go Jules the men stand in awe... ;o)
Crumbs, you could huff and puff until Benson came home. These thatched roof look professionally done.
I must say, the hats and shirts of the men are a real PNG fashion statement. They're great, Jules.
I think that Lynn might find that the spiders are eaten by the cockroaches, who are eaten by rats who in turn are eaten by the snakes, then ..... and finally the crocodiles. The whole place strikes me as being pristine and clean.
Just look out for the crocs, Lynn !!!!
And, - to make it easier, they are easier to spot. They look like a lady's hand-bag-on-the-move.
I want to see this place in real life--love the roofs, -of course they adored you. I showed someone your blog a few days ago, and his first comment was -- "she's REALLY pretty! An elegant brunette." (looking at your profile pic first before your post) I'd like to look at all the souvenirs.
After seeing your great photos, I'll just rest ... no huff, or puff ...
You got some great do you like all the traveling you are doing? seems like you are getting great shots!
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