The M V Doulos has been docked at Rabaul Wharf for the past 2 weeks. This is the world's oldest active ocean-faring passenger ship. She is now owned by the German charity organisation Good Books for All, and travels the world selling books, running programs and doing charity work.

The queue of people waiting to get on board.....

.....the rest of the queue which continued out of this picture !!

Up to but not including last Friday, 30 000 people have lined up in the heat and the ash on the Rabaul Wharf, to get on board to buy books. We have no library and no book stores in this province so people here are "book-starved". Thanks goodness for this organisation and the more than 300 people from 52 countries who have volunteered to work on this ship. We salute you!!

We were lucky enough to have morning tea on board with the Australian captain Ashley McDonald and his lovely wife Alison. They and their 3 young children have been travelling the world on board Doulos - what an amazing adventure for them all.

Anchored in Rabaul Harbour, with the volcano erupting beside them, will be something I'm sure they will always remember.