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12:01 AM
"I was simply restless, quite likely because of a dissatisfaction with the recent trajectory of my life, and if there is a better, more compelling reason for dropping everything and moving to the end of the world, I don't know what is."
--J. Maarten Troost, The Sex Lives of Cannibals (2004)
Hi Jules! I’m profiting from the holiday to anticipate the weekly visit… ;)
It looks like coming out straight from «South Pacific»... ;) Lovely blues! Fortunately, no bugs there...
Amazing mushroom at low tide!
Thanks for your comment on Blogtrotter, which is still around the imperial town of Marrakesh. Hope you enjoy and have a great weekend!
Fandabbydosy Jules... what great views and skies to just it back and admire... oh! to be there now sipping Gin and Tonic and chatting to you and HWDB.. Say a big womtig hello to him...
Oh Jules, it's beautiful!!!
Great skywatch photo! I love the theme too...with it being May, and just mad around here as the kids wind down school, escape is high on my "to-do" list!
Oh wow! Beautiful skies, beautiful waters. You are one blessed woman.
very cool picture
How Beautiful!!!hughugs
Beautiful shots, thanks for the escape. I also like visiting your blog because I feel like I travel into the future- It's still Thursday in Knoxville. :-)
when i visit your blog, i'm a dream
Your going to have to take us all out for a boat ride one of these days.
Very beautiful sky and peaceful too.
Looks like we have the South Pacific annual picnic venue all picked out.
40 years ago there was a permanent school of Rainbow Runners off the end of that island....Any left ?
Your Photos bring back many happy memories.I managed Rapopo Plantation, around the point from you till 1990,when I left to go "pinis" to Aust.
Hi All -
Tom - there is always plenty of gin tonic and sunny days!!
Steve & Eliane - a boat ride out to the island for a picnic - sounds perfect!!!
petebuck - how amazing!! The plantation is now a resort but the view is still magical.
brian - not sure. I do dive out around Pigeon but will ask the experts at Rapopo!!!
That looks like a disappearing island to me.
If I don't get back to see you again before the weekend, I will wish you a "Happy Decoration Day" weekend. Alas, now called 'Memorial Day' weekend here in the states; and, better known for the Indianapolis 500 race than for decorating the graves of the dead.
that's nice.. you captured a clear sky...
with a little of waves on that yatch... nice one.. keep it coming more...
here is mine:
Gosh ... I knew I should have come earlier .. the boat as left without me ... well, I'll just go back and see if I find a kind soul whom will cheer me up with a gin tonic!
Beautiful place, beautiful images, excellent.
Hi Everyone!!!
For you Quinto I will turn the boat around!!! Don't drink too many G & Ts while you wait - plenty on board!!!
That is a wonderful photo. I love that view.
Ah Jules, yes, I recall you telling me about your new job...sounds exhausting, so hope it is satisfying for you.
Have finished Book of the People, so perhaps when you finish it, we can compare notes. I enjoy Geraldine Brooks' books but still can't really see why they gave March a's a good book and all, but....
I wish I could escape right now to a relaxing beach. Your sky and water behind the boat are both beautiful.
Love those shots! Great! :)
Your whole blog is beautiful, by the way! :)
I love the boat shot with the water being so blue. Lovely.
Wow, it's so cool to, at last see that out-rigger canoe we've been hearing about. Do you ever park it in Sydney harbour?
It sure beats walking along the coral reefs, Jules.
My gosh, it's a tough life up your way !!
Escaping from paradise does not make a lot of since (smile).
Jules, sorry I have not visited in a while. The reason is that I have been working on an enhanced version of the Daily Photo Map. Because the map now presents thumbnails I am requesting those interesting in participating to register. If you are interested the instructions are in the sidebar. Thanks and enjoy your escape.
I'd sure love to escape to that pretty place. Beautiful shots!
Beautiful shots!
I wish I were there right now...!Fabulous!
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