Conference in Paradise

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12:35 PM
"I was simply restless, quite likely because of a dissatisfaction with the recent trajectory of my life, and if there is a better, more compelling reason for dropping everything and moving to the end of the world, I don't know what is."
--J. Maarten Troost, The Sex Lives of Cannibals (2004)
Yup, uh huh...working hard. I'm an HR guy so I can totally "appreciate" the hard work and dedication that must have been taking place! :-)
Another beautiful spot in paradise, Jules, but how can you 'work' in those surroundings? And do i spy Mt Franklin water bottles??The little artist in my collage has good artistic genes on our side...her great-great g'mother was an artist, and both her great g'mothers are fabulous sewers(??) and knitters, as is her g'mother and her mum. I just help her to do her own thing!(She's my great niece)
Michael - it is a hell of a long way - believe me I have done it!!! We can fly from here to Singapore and on to Paris which is quicker but when we travel to Europe we usually go from Australia which adds another day to the trip! Do you want to house swap???? I have a house on the water, a pair of thongs, a snorkel and plenty of gin - all yours!!!
Cabacurl - it is a stunning place and it was very hard to work there believe me!!!
The bottle of wine hadn't been opened yet!!!
Jules, I can't imagine Michael having a better time than you whilst on such conferences.
He goes to Switzerland and Connecticut for his. How can you put on flippers, snorkel and goggles in such rotten places? And in helicopters above Rio ! What a terrible life he leads !
Hope the stupid computer card gets fixed. What bad luck. It would be true blue to get all your pics back.
I've got my fingers crossed for you.
A great set of pictures Jules.. a peep into your life. I hope your P.C. is fixed soon. I'm lucky that way as my brother mends them for a hobby. I break them for my hobby.
A jolly group in a fabulous setting, Jules. Looks good to me!
Nice atmosphere Jules.
I hope you get your computer card fixed soon, we love your photos.
And yes, I'd love a house swap for a while.
Avignon is not in the list (still having trouble registering with CDP) but nevertheless participating in the theme day. I hope you come and visit.
A very serious looking work trip. The best kind.
Let's hope that the computer problems get solved and you'll be snapping away in Paradise once again!
I sympathize with your computer problems, we've all been there. Your people pictures are great - your warmth and genuineness shines through. And your scenics are lovely as well. PNG couldn't have a better ambassador of good will promoting its country.
Oh no - I hope your poorly computer recovers soon!
That's my kind of conference center.
Everyone looks happy! Have a wonderful day!
uuuhm. Jules. I looked and looked adn looked, but how is it that I just can't seem to find any hard work anywhere in these photos? :-D
But seriously, this place looks so nice and relaxing.
Well Jules, please don't listen to that Adelaide Agitator. He's just jealous that I've made a little hint about visiting YOU when he and Madame have so kindly been encouraging me to come visit them.
Alas, a house swap is fine, but the flight seems so distant. Is there anything we can do on this side of the world to get you computer parts? I know it doesn't compare to the offer of gin, but hey, one must be practical from time to time...
When you arrive in Takubar, Michael, you will be so surprised to see the rest of us waiting there for you.
We will be suntanned, relaxed and sipping things unheard-of in Davos, Connecticut and Paris.
We'll save some flippers and goggles, just for you.
Michael- there are plenty of thongs - some for your feet as well - and plenty of gin so don't worry!!!!
Thanks for the offer of parts but me thinks a new computer may have to be bought - this one is 4 years old and parts difficult to get - obsolete already - I know how it feels!!!
M B - I came home tonight to find empty bottles of gin and thongs all over the deck - have you been visiting?????
Clueless - you are very sweet - many thanks - if it wasn't for all your kind comments I wouldn't fight with phone lines and computers I'd throw it all over the deck.
Hi All - yes it is a great spot.
Ann - I couldn't find any photos of us working - funny that!!!!
Super stuff - i like your laptop stuff haha.Great pics as always Jules.
Nice to be back in Blog - Land.
Well, when working, one doesn't have Time to take photos, right???
Nil desparandum, J. Just keep on plugging.
I am not sure how I missed this (probably because I didn't scroll down that far!!!) ...some very lovely scenes....sunsets....and your new photo!
Very interesting photos... this is one place I wish that I had visited... well, I guess in my dreams for now... take care
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