This is my 200th post and to celebrate I've decided that fireworks are in order.!!
The person who took these photos would like to remain anonymous because he doesn't want his mother or his insurance company to know that he walked up an erupting volcano (
Mt Tavurvur, Rabaul), to take these!!! But I am grateful because as far as fireworks are concerned - you can't beat the real thing

This is also the last post I will be doing .........
for a month as I have to travel to Lae and Port Moresby for work, and then to Australia for holidays. It is too difficult putting down 30 or so drafts with phone lines they way they are at the moment and my graphic card problems, so this blog says au revoir not goodbye, for the time being.

Many thanks for all your friendship, loyalty and support over the last 200 posts. See you on April 5.
Congratulations Jules!! Marvellous and yes speaking as a mother myself, i'd have been HORRIFIED. lol keep it a secret. What a marvellous display for your lovely blog.
Will be thinking of you from time to time. I just got a book from the library about Rabul during World War II. It should be interesting to me. I like War Stories. LOL.
Have fun while you are gone. I know you will.
Congratulations on the 200th post.
Jules, have a marvellous time, but do hurry back to us.
200 brilliant posts! Well done!
Here's to the next 200.
Jules, I think that you have just posted the most fabulous shots in the history of DPB.
They are rippers.
Have a jolly good time while you are away; we will miss you.
And don't forget that the welcome mat is always out in these parts. Just in case !!
Well done on the 200th post Jules.. fantastic pictures.
This posts as caused great saddness in Wiggers World... Jane is now sat at my side dabbing the tears from my eyes and saying.. 'Never Mind Tom.. Jules will be back soon'
Jane says that when you cry you pee less... ha!
Have a great time, work well, plat well keep well. Give my regards to HWDB and enjoy the time away.
Jules, had you told me and I would had provided some champagne bottles and portuguese cakes to celebrate!
200 posts? And you know what?
They are all great.
And I must say that you are a great host ... seeming the fireworks am I anxious for the party to start :)
This is a super post! Have a great month, Jules. A très bientôt!
These are spectacular. I love them.
Great series! It reminds me Indonesia so close. We will wait for you, your blog will remain in the CDPB database and will show up the minute you resume posting. Enjoy your vacations!
Congratulations on your 200th post. The photos of the volcano are fantastic. That is a brave photograher but I wont go near any active volcano. The last and only volcano I visited was in Indonesia. But it was a sleeping volcano but not sure if that volcano has waken up and I cant recall the name of the volcano, had to re-look at my photo album.
Congradulations on the posts and you will be missed. I will look forward to your return. Have fun!
Congratulations! I love those photos ... he was BRAVE!!
Have fun.
Fantastic post Jules! I think it in itself makes some kind of record. We'll have to check with "the boss" to see what kind of award you get.
I was thinking, could you put your photos to be posted onto a CD or USB key and bring them with you so that you could post them from afar? I'm sure you'll have access from somewhere along the way, no?
Just a thought!
Congrats again!
Certainly a spectacular way to celebrate your 200th post. Congratulations and enjoy your time away.
Congratulations on your 200th post!!! Will be checking back often. Love the picture...wasn't You..was it??...LOL..Oh Do behave!!!lol..workwell and havefun doing it!!hughugs
Congratulations on your 200th! Have a safe trip and enjoy your holidays. Will look forward to your return. Stay well.
Happy 200th Jules and you don't look a day over...ah well, we'll let that one slide by hey!! have a fantastic time away...good on you girl, you've got your priorities in the right place...hope work is much like your post 'Conference in Paradise". Will be in touch.
See you in April!
Wow! 200 posts - fantastic! Will be looking forward to your return. Have a wonderful leave and if you go through Kilcoy while down south give me a wave and I'll wave back!
What a specatcular was to say "au revoir". I'll be happy to see you upon your return.
Congrats on the 200th!
You have much money to celebrate your 200 th post.
It is imposing, congratulations
I so much enjoy your posts and photos! I'll be back on April 5th for more.
Congrats on the 200th and hey! you'll be missin' my birthday! (but only by a couple of days...)
Fabulous posts --I will have to start at the beginning of your blog and look thru them all!
Congratulations and that's what we call one amazing fireworks, excellent.
A spectacular exit. Enjoy your time away. Look forward to your return.
What a way to go out Jules.
Congrats on 200 posts too.
Love the photos, - what a dream to own those.
Hope you keep well and dont work TOO hard. Have a nice holiday and come back with lots of photos.
Oooops, I'm late, but better late than never. Happy anniversary Jules, we all know that posting a daily pic is not easy for you.
Have a great time away from us (but do come back soon!)
Oh, woww, those are incredible shot!
Awesome shots and congratulations on 200 posts.
I will miss your very interesting posts but look forward to your coming back April 5th.
I do not envy you your blogging issues!! I admire how you have persevered!I will look forward to your return!
Congratulations on your 200th post!
200 that's a big number! Hope you have a great time will look fot you you in April.
Simply amazing. Congrats on #200 and looking forward to your return.
Wow Jules! That's a spectacular display. Congrats on reaching 200 and bringing us views of your incredible part of the globe. As Elmer Fudd used to say, "West and wewax!" and come back to us maybe with a bit of a tan and a few good books under your belt!
Seattle Daily Photo
Are you going to be popping in at all, Jules? I have some question for you regarding life in Rabaul and a Q. about Viet Nam.
Amazing photos Jules from your intrepid friend for your 200th post. Congratulations.
Awe inspiring, terrific, gorgeous, exciting, earth shaking pictures. Thanks so much! I came to your blog from ParisDailyPhoto.
200th! Fabulous. So sorry I missed the big day and only you could have real fireworks! brilliant - and brilliant to your friend who took the photographs. Have a good time away - at least the vacation part - and we'll all be missing you, Jules, and looking forward to your return.
Benson, old son. I've got my eye on you. Just keep everything neat and tidy and no one will ever know.
Well's clear why we all visit Rabaul!
Wonderful post! I'll be back in April! (if I don't sneak back before).. Someone is a brave soul to get those beautiful shots!! Enjoy your work and vacation!!
Oh Jules you're right. As far as fireworks go, you can't beat the real thing. Congratulations to your anonymous friend!
Wishing you a lovely holiday downunder - spare a little thought for me while you're there if you can...
He's a smart fellow to not want his mother to find out about this! lol.
Although I'm horrified at his actions (ahem...yeah right), I'm appreciative of his brave photos. They are absolutely spectacular.
Congrats on your 200th post jules! Be safe and have fun on your travels.
Hi Jules, sorry for being late! Congratulations! And your friend's pictures are superb. Makes me remember how I lost a video camera damaged by the humidity and ashes in Hawaii... ;)) Terrific shots!
Look forward to seeing you back blogging and commenting!
Have a great weekend!
Congratulations! Well done on the 200th post, Jules! Great pictures!
I'm so sad to see your au revoir. Actually you left us with such dramatic photos that I'm sure everyone will watch closely for your return in a month ... Congratulations on your 200th post ... bravo to he who risk his life for these fireworks photos.
OooHaaa to your 200th post!
Love the lava.
Hello Jules, you have been away from your blog a long time... Happy Easter to you and to your family.
Hi All
Many thanks for all your messages -am in Australia and finally managed to get onto the internet to say hi and happy Easter. Miss ya all!!!
Squirrel - how can help????
Congratulations for 200 great posts.
As you say, nothing can beat this fireworks. It's spectacular, and I hope the photographer is in every way. Shame that can not tell your name to the world, but well done!
Have a safe trip and great holiday, until you are back in this business.
Leaving us with a bang eh - well done for reaching 200 and hope to see you return at some stage in the future - Susan in Seattle just restarted her blog after a year.
200 posts coloured which make us travel.
thank you
Hello. This post is likeable, and your blog is very interesting, congratulations :-). I will add in my blogroll =). If possible gives a last there on my blog, it is about the Home Theater, I hope you enjoy. The address is A hug.
Ah Jules I remember the early days... Is it 200 already? Bravo, and beautiful fire displays to mark the occasion. Bravo :-)
Howdy Jules,
It's April 5 (here), and the queue is building.
Hope you had a corker time in Oz, mate!
Good grief, it's glorious. No wonder he didn't want his mother to know. If I were the mum, I'd kill him.
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