Well I missed the Monthly Post, but I do have a good excuse - really!!!! I was stranded in Mt Hagen, then stranded in Port Moresby, and when I finally got home yesterday my computer had been carted off to the hospital and the phones were all out !!! Blimey!!

Anyhow, all is well today, so here are a couple of photos of my trip last week. Mt Hagen is in the Western Highlands of PNG at a height of 4026 m above sea level. I had forgot how incredibly rough and mountainous it is......and how cold. This means fireplaces , jackets and woollen hats are the go, especially at night.

These photos were taken from the plane as we flew in. My 18-55 mm lens decided to die, so I only had my zoom lens which made it a bit difficult!!!
The dark blobs in the clouds are mountains. PNG is well known for its rock-hard clouds.
For Pete's sake, Jules, please don't say nothing else could go wrong!! What a series of misadventures you've had! But survived thankfully to tell the story.
Welcome back, Jules!
I'm disappointed; I thought Mount Hagen was made of ice cream.
Hi Cabacurl - I survived but am so tired can barely type - am off to bed now!!!
Sorry Dive - no icecream but lots of clouds that look like fairy floss!!!
Incredible photos...glad you are back!
I have not "followed" all your adventures as I was getting prepared for my own adventures that will start on Wednesday. I will have to take the bus and then the tram to get to the railroad station where I'll the train for Marseille. From there I'll fly to Frankfurt, Germany where I'll spend the night. I'll fly to the US on Thursday morning. I think I'll be very tired when I arrive at Kennedy Airport. If I do.... as truck drivers are demonstrating and train drivers might go on strike. That's France!
Anyway your photos are magnificent as usual.
rock hard clouds! sound like icebergs in the sky!
Yet again, diverse scenery. Love it. What an adventure you had. Glad you're safe.
Jules, impressive views!! Glad you're back home and safe.
Thanks All
Marie - have a great trip! Hope the transport system is more kind than mine was!!!
Those are very impressive views!
Another interesting fact about Papua ... snow around there too.
Glad you're back home and safe.
Thanks for visiting.
Do you have a virus too?
Great series of photos!! Glad you got through it all safely.
Love your picture. BTW I am using your blog as my vacation.
Hahaha Jules, what great adventure you had both outdoors and indoors. Glad everything is in order with your computer. The photos are so beautiful and love the feeling of being on top of the clouds.
Hi Jules,
You do seem to have your share of misadventures. I do like the photos.
Mt Hagan looks a bit scary to me Jules. I think Dive is thinkin of Haagen Daaz - yummy Danish icecream.
Fairy Floss; Icebergs in the sky - wonderful imagery.
I admire your fortitude, and willingness to keep at the "high" technology in a "low" technology situation. We are your beneficiaries! Thank you!
You are having a bad run of it aren't you?...and I for one am glad you persevere. Love the shots even with the zoom....I recently had some trouble with my NEW camera....got it all worked out but how annoying!
Hi Everyone - thanks for your comments. All my links are on my old computer so can only visit if I have linked you or you visit me - most annoying!!!
Marcel - misadventure is my middle name!!!
Abe - not a virus - pneumonia!! (wires and hard drive problems)
Ched blogged about you. I was just over there.
What an amazing country. How different to have to wear wooly jackets and use fireplaces. Was it a welcome change?
Sorry about the death of your puter and lens...too sad. Hope it all untangles soon.
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