Heavenly Sky Watch
This is the steeple on Peter To Rot's Memorial Church on the Burma Road, at Rakunai.
Catholic catechist To Rot was killed by the Japanese during WWII - more of him and his church next week.

For more heavenly posts go to the new Sky Watch blog here.
Gorgeous... great photo
That's a wonderful shot. I love the angle!
Hi Jules. I enjoy messing with angles and perspective myself. Yours is a great shot and perfect for Sky Watch Friday. Thanks for sharing.
Very interesting blog....Great sky watch photo.....
Wow, what interesting perspective of the steeple! Stunning! Your blog looks intriguing.
Jules always something special to look at on your blog....also love the angle.
I love the angle. Very creative shot.
Lovely photo for SWF. It really looked very holy. Have a nice weekend.
Interesting perspective on the church tower. Very nice Sky Watch.
What a unique take on this church. The steeple looks like it's made of tin.
Lovely sky...lovely sky watch
I love the church steeple against the beautiful sky. Great photo!
"Louis" looks forward to reading more next week. You may recall that "Louis" wrote that he is an avid reader of World War II history and is particularly interested in the war in the Pacific. "Louis" just finished reading William Manchester's biography of MacArthur.
That looks scarily like a Ku Klux Klan hood, Jules.
Hey Jules,
I got back from Vietnam. Not as many pictures as you took, but I was only in the North. It was so, so, so fun. I love Vietnam! If you're interested, I'm blogging my trip at www.holidayinhanoi.blogspot.com. Thanks for all your pictures that got me so excited and ready for the adventure.
That is beautiful. Thanks for sharing!
Jules, "Louis" thanks you for the 'heads up' about your WWII posts! He'll check them out!
The photograph is leaning to show us that god approaches the men
welcome back, Jules....hope you had a restful holiday!!
First, my apologies for a bit of cut and paste commenting. I have been doing the rounds via Bloglines and looking at all the pictures from my favourite photo blogs, but haven’t been leaving comments. Generally, I try to comment as much as I can (I know how good it is for ‘morale’ to know that someone is out there appreciating them), but after the birth of my second son, I am a bit knackered to think up something witty and insightful on the hop. Thus the resort to Control+C and Control+P!
Kris from Hobart, Tasmania.
Hi All - Thanks for all your comments
Kris you are forgiven _ I do remember the consuming nature of a brand new baby - enjoy every minute of him!!!!
Dive - yes it does but thankfully not.
Lori - It is made of galvanized iron - quite spectacular in the full sun!!!
rachel - looking forward to heading over there and see your photos
Great sky watch photo.
steeples rising against the sky make wonderful shots - done a few myself - the angle makes the shot more interesting - I'm wondering what material the steeple is made from.
ah you answered my query to someone else - galvanised iron - quite sturdy then.
Very interesting blog for those who have never had the chance to visit Papua.
Beautifull pictures too!
Greetings from Lisbon.
Points us right to that lovely sky, just as a good steeple should. Great sky watch shot.
Jules, I feel your pain....As you know, I also fight the battle daily with a slow internet connection. Drives me insane....oh well, the price we pay for living in this obscure part of the world....
We DO have a great deal in common...
Very creative angle... Hope you are enjoying Sky Watch Friday in your part of the world.
Great capture Jules my friend.
I'll look forward to more about Peter To Rot.
Seems he was born just up the road from you, only about 20k.
His murder by the Japanese made him a martyr.
I think Bergson is right in his comment, - and Peter to Rot is doing the same thing. He's looking down on all those people that he contributed so much to, those many years ago.
Excellent intro. to a subject few know about, Jules.
I Love IT!! Great shot sweetie!!hughugs
Hi Jules,
Great angle on that shot. Do let me know when you post the update on the event. I'd love to read it.
Hope you had a great holiday back in Oz.
Next time, I hope you'll visit Melbourne. It'd be great to meet up. The only other blogger I've ever met face-to-face is the lovely writer, Cowgirl in NZ.
I'm a little envious of the US and UK bloggers who have easy access to each other ....
Your sky and steeple are heavenly and your entire blog is a blessing. Starting here and am working my way backwards. Makes me realize how shamefully little I know about PNG.
Thanks for your visit to Jerusalem Hills and for your empathy.
Does Colleen have a blog?
Shalom to you.
Hi All - thanks for your visit
Dina - no Colleen doesn't but have been trying to talk her into it as she has some wonderful photos from your part of the world. Will let her know about yours!!
M B - keep a look out - all this week is devoted to Peter To Rot - I'm not catholic but it is an interesting story!!!
David - will do - would be great to meet. Have only met 3 people connected to the blog and spoken to a couple on the phone.
scotty - yes I think I can hear you swearing from here - it doesn't help does it!!!!
Great dynamic shot!
Love the photo. What better way to look up at the sky and see a beautiful cross.
Wow, this is a great photo! The way you shot it, the steeple looks like a rocket ready to be sent into the sky :-)
If you know a way to make farmers know I am available, please let me know. The idea of going back home soon makes me very sad!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :-)
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