Sky Watch Friday
This rather dramatic cloud hung around while we snorkelled one Sunday on Little Pigeon Island.

Check out Sky Watch Friday skies here.
This rather dramatic cloud hung around while we snorkelled one Sunday on Little Pigeon Island.
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12:09 AM
"I was simply restless, quite likely because of a dissatisfaction with the recent trajectory of my life, and if there is a better, more compelling reason for dropping everything and moving to the end of the world, I don't know what is."
--J. Maarten Troost, The Sex Lives of Cannibals (2004)
Color for me... I love your photos.. all the water and sky and sand and just everything!!
Hi there. It is so nice to be back in blog land and get to come by and visit with you today. I love these photos. You are right it is hard to decide which is more appealing. They each stand on their own because of the cropping.
Great capture, I like the b&w the best.
The b&w is my favourite, but they are both beautiful!
You made me feel very nostalgic with the word 'snorkling'... I haven't beein doing that for quite a while, here the water is too cold for me to stay there more than 5 minutes! I miss the tropics and the coral reef!... :-)
Hallo Jules, finally I found your regular blog! Today I started with your Vietnam blog and I am as fascinated as expected :)
Also a very beautiful SWF post!
Greetings, Maria
lovely pictures! i like the b/w one.
I like both of them, but favor the B&W the most. Good post, have a nice SWF.
ciao da venezia, tu vivi in un paradiso:
hallo from Venice, you live in a paradise..
I like both these photos so glad you posted both. The b&w has a little more drama. Happy SWF
You said it right, it is dramatic indeed.
Either one is perfect, but I think i would take the B&W in this case...I used to always keep B&W in one of my film cameras.
Think I prefer the drama of the b&w - very strong.
Great photos! Hard to decide but I think I like the BW.
Love the black and dramatic!
Black and White! I LOVE the color one, but seeing the black and white one seems more dramatic to me. Both are terrific.
great photos well done
i like th black and white
in the photo color, your sky is too Blue for my eyes ;-)
I prefer the color shot. It's much more cheerful.
Another vote for the Black and White.
absolutely! both are marvellous!
You do sport a lovely sky way out there. Nice photos too.
Here is a shot I took at Shiogama, Japan 54 years ago when color film first came out Thunder Maker
I love the b&w — dramatic!
And that is an interesting cloud formation. Looks like a shallow bowl seen from the bottom.
The b&w one is more dramatic for me.
So vast. The monochrome is marvellous.
More drama in black and white but the color is so enticing. Makes me want to be right there on the beach.
I love the sky--sounds dumb, but I do look at it a lot, and take pics of it daily. if it's dramatic, I take way too many pix of it.
I'll take the B&W to put on my wall as art, and the color to use as my computer wallpaper so I can easily take a quick visit to paradise whenever I want. They're both great!
Hi All - am very busy but will make a visit to you all tomorrow!!! Off sight-seeing and hopefully will have some new photos for tomorrow!!!
Oh I forgot--- it was 85 degrees in the big apple and its general area-- all week was like that --hopefully it will get cool and rainy.
I can't decide which one I like either. They're both so eye-catching.
Shalom from far away. I just caught up on several weeks of your photos and adventures and I love them all. What an interesting place and life you have.
Thank you for visiting and your nice comments! Yes, we keep in touch! Maria
Black and white for the atmosphere of course!
B & W for me Jules...:O)
I hope this finds you and all your loved ones well.... thanks for all your kind comments of late my friend..
I like the black and white. I think it might be because it is landscape. They are both nice though.
Beautiful captures! The second one is full of gorgeous color, But I think the b/w is my fav!
Happy weekend!
Happy sky~watching!
"Louis" votes for the B&W - more dramatic!
"Louis" has added a link to your blog at his.
your skywatch photo is beautiful, I like the black and white effect with the top one, nice!
Thanks All - I guess the B & W wins!!!
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