A rainbow for you
Heading home one afternoon I saw this rainbow out to sea. We pulled off the road and I jumped out and ran down to the beach.
I hope it brings you good fortune in these days of finacial instability.
To see more skies from around the world go here to Sky Watch Blog.
BTW Squirrel got me onto the species of moth that I featured on my previous blog - and yes it is a Death’s Head Moth (Acherontia atropos), a species of hawk moth.

BTW Squirrel got me onto the species of moth that I featured on my previous blog - and yes it is a Death’s Head Moth (Acherontia atropos), a species of hawk moth.
Fantastic, Jules!
You are too good to us.
Nothing is too good for you Dive!!! Too bad it was so far out - i would have swum out and grabbed the pot of gold!!!!
That's fantastic!!! What's all that 'white' on the right of the rainbow? I've never seen that before! Great shot, Jules!
Beautiful photograph. Nature seems to have cooperated with you on this one.
Hi Jules,
Deidre in Beijing. Give me some advice - my daughter is going up to Rabaul in a few weeks & is being pressured into taking doxycylcline (which I personally don't want her to take). I told her just to go to Andersons and get some Choroquine for the duration of her stay. What do you take for malaria - if anything? I gave her nothing when she was small in Bougainville. She's probably immune as a PNG kid!!
Thank you for ahring , i do so love rainbows , though i must admit they dont ever sem to have as many colors as they did when i was a kid.
I like rainbows .. thanks for sharing yours!
Wow. Beautiful, Jules! Thank you.
Magnifique! I have never seen such a bright rainbow. This is Skywatch a day early, isn't it?
Wow, amazing shot!
I love that. Makes me want to jump in the water and swim out there to let it shine down on me! I am new to City Daily Photo and new to your blog. Really enjoy the pictures. Fun to see life literally across the world!
Hi All - thanks for popping in.
JM - Thanks - the white stuff is the sun shining on the rain.
Deidre - hi from rabaul. I hate to tell you but Doxycycline is what we tell people to use and what our girls use whenever they come to visit. We have Chloroquine-resistant mosquitoes here in PNG and I don't feel it is enough of a protection. As long as you take Doxy with food we have had no problems. We don't take anything and I have had it only once in 8 years. Cheers
sterl the pearl - Welcome to the family!!!!
Beautiful. Glad you stopped and took a snap.
Oh, well done Jules, well caught.
fantastic colors
you sky is more hot than here
How wonderful that you were able to capture it Jules, it's so dramatic.
Great capture and well worth the rush to snap it
Gorgeous. Pot of gold? It's got to under the sea.
Whoa Jules, spectacular shot. Great capture of the gorgeous rainbow. There must be a pot of gold just waiting for us.
I also wish you the very best during these difficult financial times.
Thank you for stopping to take the photos and thank you for sharing! They're great captures!!!
Fantastic! I've never seen a rainbow over water. I love how it reflects.
Awesome! Fantastic!
A very magical rainbow. This is such a lovely photo its just beautiful. Happy SWF.
Gorgeous fantastic picture! I've never seen such a rainbow. Magical!
What a different looking rainbow!
Almost like a painting.
It's all about being in the right place at the right time; fantastic shots!
What glorious rainbows absolutely wonderful! What a capture!
Very cool rainbow... A place I'd like to be...
Jules, that is one of the most stunning captures I have seen in a while. Amazing. I love the way the rainbow is reflecting in the water.
I truly love it!!!
Just breathtaking! Your weather there makes for some of the most beautiful photos of the sky! As always, I am speechless! Great shot, Jules!
Hey - thanks for the advice Jules - I had the 'bug' twice in 30 years (didn't take anything) so not a bad record! I'll tell her what you said and let her choose. If you see 3 cute 20 somethings on on the streets of Kokopo late November - say 'hi' and are you related to Di from China. They'll be shocked!Keep up the great photos - even if I can't comment (we get blocked censors often here) I still love the escape to sunshine, clean air and home. BTW - you must see the video "Mama Mia' out now - really reminds me of growing up in Rabaul.
What nice photos, Jules! The reflection is gorgeous!
Thanks for being their, having the camera in hand and also for being such a gentle soul you are welling to share such magnificent rainbow!
Like the hand of God reaching down.......lovely. (The daughter is home from Costa Rica with Island fever heavy on her mind!!!...she is making plans to go back as SHE is not intimidated by the bugs of the jungles and islands!!!)
I can just see you jumping out of the car to get these shots. Beautiful shots. Be nice if it this wonderful rainbow helped the worlds financial woes but I'm not holding my breath...
Happy Halloween, Jules.
Good shot. You are officially hooked.
Thanks Everyone
Jilly - yes you know me well. Looked like a bit of a twit jumping out of the car and throwing my shoes and heading off!!!!
Neva - atta girl!!!!
Deirdre - will keep an eye out for them. Email me and I will give you my number in case they need anything.
Someone was sending you Lots of love in that rainbow!! Happy night Sugar!!hughugs
This is one of the most beautiful rainbow photos I've ever seen! Just gorgeous!
Jules, this is a great fantastic rainbow! It is so blautiful coming out of the water!
Thank you and have a nice weekend!
Hi Jules! Back to the Blogosphere to visit this wonderful blog! And this time to get such a wonderful gift! Stunning!
Blogtrotter is now strolling somewhere around the Holy See of Echmiadzin. Hope you enjoy and have a great weekend!
wew I was great!, but, I like such as lunar one..
Wonderful shot, Jules.
What's your tip for the Melbourne Cup?
Hi and thanks for your comments
David - no idea. I'm afraid I won't even get to the luncheon this year!!!
as a kid I was taught never to point at a rainbow, but I forget why!
I've never managed to photogrpah a really spectacular one like yours.
Those pictures are very beautiful.Thanks to David and his POTD I have found you and will be back.
amazing! thanks!
Rainbow for luck - thanks for this - so beautiful!!!
Great capture.
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