Thursday, January 1, 2009

January Theme & Lukim Yu

My favourite shot for 2008


On this first day of 2009 I have finally been able to post (although I started this 2 days ago),
but it will be my last for the time being.

I have struggled with phone lines since the beginning, but they have finally got the better of me. It is just too frustrating and time-consuming, and the cost each month has escalated to an amount that would enable me a to buy a return ticket to Australia, which is just ridiculous.

The catalyst though is that my new job this year will take me away from here for long periods of time, so I have to bite the bullet and call it quits. It has been such fun and I will miss it terribly, but I will drop in and visit you when I can, and I hope I will be able to start it RDP up again some time in the futur.

So it isn't goodbye - just see ya later!!

I am posting some of my favourite shots from this amazing part of the world, and if you like them, please check out my archives on the right-hand side of this page.

I hope over the life of RDP that I have been able to give you some idea of .........

the roaring power of Tavurvur.......

the lush green.....

aqua water on teaming reefs........

warm welcoming people...

always the unexpected and the exotic.....

and from my house each day......

sunsets and sunrises to die for!!!

Thank you all and every good wish for 2009.


Willow said...

I am truly sorry to read that you are not able to continue RDP. I have so enjoyed seeing again a wonderful part of the world and my life.
Please do drop in to Willow's Cottage and read what is happening in my part of the Pacific Ocean!
Happy New Year!

USelaine said...

Thank you so much for the wonderful gift you have given us! Everything you have shown us has been breath-taking, and I'll never forget it. Blessings on your way in 2009.

Ann said...

Sorry to read this, Jules. I'll miss seeing your world through your eyes. Have a wonderful year.

Anonymous said...

Jules, You have given much delight with the memories you have triggered through RDP - I'm so glad I found it and that you were able to share your photos with us. Perhaps I'll spot you somewhere when I visit later this year (hopefully) - I'll look out for you!
All the very best for 2009. Jenan

willywagtail said...

I am very sad and will miss you heaps. Thankyou so much for the insight into life on the Gazelle peninsula. You have helped me no end to come to terms with the loss of Rabaul. All the best with your future. Cherrie

Unknown said...

Jules, this is a stunning set of the most amazing photos! I really have to congratulate you!!!
Although I really understand why you are leaving RDP I must say I'm so sorry cause you are such a nice lady, it was allways a pleasure chatting with you!...
Anyway, as you said, this is not a goodbye, so I hope to hear from you from time to time and I wish you a great 2009 at that beautiful country you are living in.
See you my friend!

Jilly said...

Oh my goodness, so much beauty...a gorgeous group of photographs. And oh dear, you are leaving us, well stopping for a bit perhaps? I do understand tho. I'd go nuts without a regular internet connection. Have no idea how you've managed all this time but am so glad you have.

Your photos have showed us the amazing beauty, culture, country and sea of Rabaul - it's got to be one of the - if not THE - most beautiful places in the world.

So, see ya later and enjoy your new job, but come back sometimes, eh? Some people just post on Theme Day?

love and thanks for the great posts. Jilly xxx

Donna said...

...You bet your sweet buttons it isn't goodbye!!!!LOL...You'll be back...'cause you know how much I'll miss you, little love!!! Please be careful in your travels and Know that an angel will Always be flying by your side...Much love to you...always!hughugs

slim said...

Jules - your photos from Rabaul have been a gift to the world. When I look at your blog I think I am enjoying "National Geographic" magazine. I wish you the very best for 2009 and will just have to look at the RDP archives until RDP is activated again ;-)

Neva said...

Jules, I have loved learning about your part of the world even the bugs!! I can only imagine how frustrating it must be with the computer. You have certainly showcased some fantastic shots of where you are and I love the view from your porch. I will miss you but hope to see you check in from time to very bestest of wishes to you and yours for the New Year.....and always.

George Townboy said...

All beautiful shots - gonna miss you!

Cheltenhamdailyphoto said...

Wow those are all amazing Jules and I adore the clear blue water shots as I'm ... a bit of a clear blue water freak. lol.

I am so sorry you will be absent but hope that I am on your list of blogs to visit and that occasionally you might just tempt me with some more clear blue water on your blog - even now and then would keep me going?!

Happy New Year Jules! xx

Buck said...

Great photos from Rabaul, as always. Here's hoping you get better internet access soon - I'm greedy and jealous for more!

• Eliane • said...

WooOooOooOooow, what a collection of fabulous pictures! Each time I have visited your blog, I have felt as if I was taking a little vacation. Thank you for letting us dream a little. :)
I join everyone in the warm thank yous and am sad you leave us, but not really, but still a little...
I wish you a wonderful Happy New Year, hope that your new job will bring you lots of joy and that it will send you to New York to visit us! ;)
Bonne Année, Jules! :)

Kris McCracken said...

Happy New Year! Or maybe Merry New Year, to differentiate myself from the crowd...

Every one of these could be a photo of the year. Sorry to hear that you have to take a hiatus, but keep taking those photos and post them when you get the chance. The beauty of RSS feeds is that they'll let us know when you've done so!

ancient one said...

Jules, Oh, I'm going to miss you... but I will be checking back often just to relive these photos and posts ... This has been one of my favorites of all the blogs I've visited. Wishing you nothing but the best for 2009!

Katie said...

Wow I'm just blown away by this collection of amazing photos! Unbelievable beauty and variety and exotic locations. I'm so bummed to hear that you'll be taking a long break from RDP; it's been such fun stopping by. I can understand the frustration though. All my best wishes for a wonderful new year and I really hope to see you around!! And I hope you'll leave your blog up for a while so we can take a vacation via your photos when needed. Take care!

Tash said...

Jules, it's been a such a pleasure seening this so very different part of the world, the nature and the people, thru your eyes and the joys of daily life such as the new puppy or the vibriant color of mango. It will be great to be able to come back to RDP from time to time to see it's beauty again. Wish you and yours a wonderful 2009 and hope to see more of your photos in the future.

Bergson said...

I wish you an excellent year of 2009 please make us dream with all your photos

Gordon said...

You will be sadly missed; you have posted so many wonderful photos and given us such an insight into life there. Looking forward to your return. Best wishes for 2009.

alicesg said...

Do what is best for you, Jules.
I do enjoyed and learn a lot about Rabaul from your blog. Dont worry about not being able to visit our blogs, take your time, sometimes I dont have time to return visit to other blogs too. Wishing you and your family a very Happy New Year and may 2009 be a better year for all of us.

Tanya Breese said...

Oh no, I've only just found you and after reading that post, feel like I am really going to be missing out on so much. Such beautiful pictures!
Best of luck to you and hope 2009 is great!

Anonymous said...

Sorry you are leaving the blog (you are such a gifted photographer) but sounds like you have a good year ahead. Just keep an eye out for bears!

Tom said...

Hi There Jules...
So sorry to see you go....
I had some great times here and enjoyed the banter.... may you and all your loved ones be blessed...

Tom and Jane xx

Anonymous said...

Hello Jules;
I've been reading your wonderful blog with great interest for the past few months, but I've been shy about revealing my email address for all the world to abuse. I spent two years (1977-79) as a general medical officer-surgeon at Vunapope Hospital (I was a Canadian CUSO volunteer). It was a life-changing experience and I wrote a book (a best seller in Canada) about it called "The Unforgiving Tides", which is available on and (lots of reviews on the Indigo site.) I'll leave my email here and look forward to hearing from you and having a dialogue outside of the blog. Google me first so you know what I'm about.
Happy New Year,
Ross Pennie, MD

GMG said...

Hi Jules! Hope you survived the food and the champagne, and entered 2009 in great shape! ;))
What a lovely post to say «see you»! We'll miss your posts, and I'll miss your comments at
Have a great year!

photowannabe said...

I am so sorry to read this post but I do completely understand. You have given me a chance to look intimately at a part of the world I know nothing about. Your pictures are true treasures.
Please visit when you can and I wish that the rest of your life will be the best of your life.
Thank you for everything.

Squirrel said...

WOW WOW WOW thank you for posting all these together-- what a nice picture book you could publish!

dive said...

Huge hugs, Jules. You are totally awesome and way too precious to lose forever.
Have a great 2009 and pop in and see us whenever you are somewhere with a decent connection.

alphabet soup said...

Though only recently arrived at your photo blog I have thoroughly enjoyed your photos. Rabaul is one of my favourite places anywhere, tho it is a long time since I was there!! The things we take for granted in other countries cannot be taken for granted in PNG!! Thanks for the lovely group of grand finale photos and best of luck with whatever path you next tread.

Ms Soup

Anonymous said...

Love your photos. Bring back 1960 to 74 .I remember it all thankyou. Patrick Scarle teacher.

Chuckeroon said...

Goodbye, Jules. A fine year. Well done and thanks for your support, too.

bitingmidge said...


I've just popped in for my "monthly" to find you away!

Thanks for all, I hope you return in due course!

Sunshine Coast Daily - Australia

Marie said...

Dear Jules, your photos are real marvels. I hope you will be back soon or at least you have not left us for good.

Maria said...

Hallo Jules, all the best wishes to you for the New Year. I hope you will be back in blogworld one day with new pictures - I'm looking forward to this!
Hugs, Maria

Michael Salone said...

Ok, we've been patient. We've waited long enough. Come back!

Thérèse said...

In awe in front of all these beautiful beautiful pictures. What a gift for us. I will be thinking about you. Thank you for sharing and drop a line once in a while to let us know that you have the life you want to have and that everything is ok. Good luck.

Unknown said...

Hi, Jules!
I don't know if or when you are reading this, but just want to let you know it was great to hear from you!
Hope everything is OK!
See you and take care.

Oman said...

wow. one of the best collection of photos in a single post i ahve seen. great job.

Steve Buser said...

What a parting collection. Come back. We miss you.

ancient one said...

Still checking back... and enjoying your blog all over again...I can still enjoy those beautiful photos... Miss you!!

Unknown said...

Hi, Jules! Nice to hear from you again! :-)

I've registered on Facebook a week ago or so. Add me:
- José Mendonça

Hope to you there soon! :-)

Maria said...

WOW Jules! Thank you so very much that you managed to post some pictures again. They are so wonderful, so exciting!
Oh my God! It's magic!
Thank you so very very much!

Cheltenhamdailyphoto said...

Oh my gosh you lucky, lucky lady! These are fantastic photos....sigh...

Susan Jane Lees AFC said...

Thank you so much for RDP, Jules. Prior to my very brief visit there, off a cruise ship on 23 Feb 2009, I loved to check in and get a glimpse of what we might see. Was a great introduction to the place and I was increasingly excited to see it for myself. We berthed at Simpson Harbour, just across the bay from the volcano. I've now witnessed the awesome spectacle of Tavurvur just billowing ash and smoke... quite incredible...(got heaps of photo's and video!) but then you see how the people have to live with it.... such awful conditions for them. Such lovely people too... very cheery and friendly... had a lovely conversation with some ladies in the market where I bought a sarong. It was also very noticeable the lack of birds and insects. Saw just a handful of individual birds around the harbour area and heard no insects... quite spooky. Wish we had had the time to explore further and see more of that fabulous island.
Thanks again, shall miss seeing what that volcano is up to and the insight to the life of the island and its people you have given.
All the best.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Donna said...

Just thinking of you sweetie! Hope you had a wonderful Easter...hughugs

M.Benaut said...

Yep, me too Jules.
And as Michael said, hurry back.
The place is no way the same with you gone.

Take care,

ancient one said...

Hard to believe you've been gone 5 months.... still keep coming back to enjoy your wonderful photos....

Glennis said...

Wonderful photos the scenery the market shot the volcano's WOW.
Truely amazing.

Anonymous said...
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Gabor said...

I only just dicovered the site. what a shame it has been let go.

M.Benaut said...

Howdy Jules,

On Wednesday 12 August 2009, just like any other day, you need to know that we all miss you, hugely.

Nevertheless we'll all come and surprise you, - when you least expect.


Donna said...

Heard there was a plane crash yesterday there!! I pray you were Not on it!!!!hughugs

Unknown said...

Awesome shots !

ancient one said...

Here I am ... September and I still keep coming back ... hope all is well with you...

Steffi said...

You live in the paradies...Enjoy it!

Anonymous said...
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Donna said...

Hope all is well...this japanese dude can Really Write!Hahahaaa....
miss you sweetie!

Anonymous said...
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Glennis said...

Some wonderful photos among this great collection, I am glad I stopped by.

Tessa said...

Thanks so much for your blog and wonderful photos. I truly miss living in PNG, and these pics give me a way to go back there. =)

Tessa in Florida

Anonymous said...
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ancient one said...

Wow, what a pleasant surprise to have you drop in to check on me... all's well with me... I know you are very busy with work, etc.. thanks for coming by...

Jules said...

Am in Brisbane with fast internet and have just spent an hour getting rid of Japanese spam - can anyone say PING OFF in Japanese?????

Thérèse said...

So nice to hear from you. I miss you too. You put a smile on my day... thks and I wish you the best.

Donna said...

SO HAPPY to have heard from you Sugar!! Hope you're having a wonderful life and enjoying it to the fullest!! We have ALL missed you So much...maybe one day you'll be back...You'll always stay on my sidebar, and in my heart!
Now go Get 'em Sweetie!Hahaa

Anonymous said...
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Donna said...

Just wanting to stop for a moment to wish you a Very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year little love...God Bless and Keep you...where ever you are!
I Was SO happy you dropped by with a comment...lets me know you're alright...
Happiness to you!

GMG said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
GMG said...

Hi Jules! Great to see that you're alive and commenting at Stuar's blog!!
Have a great holiday season!

Espresso said...

Wow! Beautiful series!
Fantastic place,very exotic :D

California health insurance said...

All very nice photos. Thanks for sharing your work.

Pedro D. H. said...

all amazing photos!!! Vulcan, wonderful!!!

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Oikein tunnelmallisia ja kiinnostavia kuvia. Vesi on hienon sinistä, pidän sinisen eri sävyistä. Markku

Anonymous said...

Jules, its been two years now, about time you came back. Please!
Hope all is well with you.

Donna said...

Merry Christmas 2010 sweet friend!!

Donna said...

Yes I Am!
Donna Schandera Staas
That's the name I use....
Happy day sweetie!

Ladyhihi said...

I am truly sorry to read that you are not able to continue RDP. I have so enjoyed seeing again a wonderful part of the world and my life.

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wilbo43 said...

Not sure if your blog is still active. I've just came upon it while searching for Rabaul. I worked in Rabaul on and off in 1968-69 and absolutely loved the place. Of course the volcano changed all that.

I think this is a great blog and I hope you'll keep it updated.


Donna said...

Just wishing you a Happy Mother's Day sweetie!

Lucas Kain said...

Wow! An amazing set of pictures!!

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Country Codes said...

Wow, what stunning photography, thanks for posting it

JuliaFromTGR said...

nice blog

uknowme said...

I am very sad and will miss you heaps. Thankyou so much for the insight into life on the Gazelle peninsula. You have helped me no end to come to terms with the loss of Rabaul. All the best with your future. CherrieAnal stavarSydney Escorts

Robin said...

Love the picture of the dolphins - great shot!

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Anonymous said...

Hi Julie, I will be soon posted in Rabaul for my work. Im from Malaysia and have very little clue about the place im going to be callinh home soon. I hope you can be of help. My email is it will be great if I could hear from someone like you who would be able to tell me first hand the experience of living in Rabaul. thank you

uknowme said...

Jules, Oh, I'm going to miss you... but I will be checking back often just to relive these photos and posts ... This has been one of my favorites of all the blogs I've visited. Wishing you nothing but the best for 2009!selvbondageacompanhantes de luxo

uknowme said...

Not sure if your blog is still active. I've just came upon it while searching for Rabaul. I worked in Rabaul on and off in 1968-69 and absolutely loved the place. Of course the volcano changed all shopnaked celebs

Carol Lee said...

The pictures summarized all about Papua New Guinea it's culture, amazing geographic features and it's beautiful beaches.

Ed Butowsky

ancient one said...

Still coming back to check out your beautiful pictures... Hope all is well with you...