Thursday, January 1, 2009

January Theme & Lukim Yu

My favourite shot for 2008


On this first day of 2009 I have finally been able to post (although I started this 2 days ago),
but it will be my last for the time being.

I have struggled with phone lines since the beginning, but they have finally got the better of me. It is just too frustrating and time-consuming, and the cost each month has escalated to an amount that would enable me a to buy a return ticket to Australia, which is just ridiculous.

The catalyst though is that my new job this year will take me away from here for long periods of time, so I have to bite the bullet and call it quits. It has been such fun and I will miss it terribly, but I will drop in and visit you when I can, and I hope I will be able to start it RDP up again some time in the futur.

So it isn't goodbye - just see ya later!!

I am posting some of my favourite shots from this amazing part of the world, and if you like them, please check out my archives on the right-hand side of this page.

I hope over the life of RDP that I have been able to give you some idea of .........

the roaring power of Tavurvur.......

the lush green.....

aqua water on teaming reefs........

warm welcoming people...

always the unexpected and the exotic.....

and from my house each day......

sunsets and sunrises to die for!!!

Thank you all and every good wish for 2009.