Pass the chocolate - quickly
If you like chocolate then this will interest you. Chocolate comes from cocoa and
I’ve put on 2 kg just writing this!!!

Steve New Orleans Daily Photo told me yesterday that if I talk about my hat I have to post a photo of my hat. He reckons it's Daily Photo Rules!!!!
Steve, that was me with the box on my head in yesterday's post…..
I have decided, with all your gratefully received advice, to just do what I can and stop worrying (and whining) about it. So if I can post I will, and if I can visit I will, and if I can’t well you all know why!!!!
It may be a "funny-looking" pod, but for me, it's essential to my chocolate-world. I like the top photo because it's always interesting to see a bright spot of colour among the green. The hat is smashing on you, too!!
Love the hat! and congrats on your decision. Glad you decided to do what you can.....we persevere no matter what!
That's a rip-snorter hat Jules.
'No david murrays', as we say down under.
Thanks for all them nice things wot u said.
Ripper, Jules. Y' dun it good, lady !!!
Ain't life just bonzer
Jules, I admire your spirit dressing up for the Melbourne Cup and doing the honours in Rabaul.
Your shot of the Ladies wearing the cardboard is spot-on (and precisely why I love to visit Rabaul through your eyes).
Today I posted an Autumn Shot of the river and the colours, having you in mind. (I didn't mention you, but it is for you).
Chin up, old girl!
Great hat, Jules!
So let's get this straight: not content with all that blue sky and turquoise sea, you live in a land where chocolate grows on trees?
I need to go and lie down in a darkened room …
Love that hat girl!! I'm with "dive", a dark room with
Dive, old son,
You're just a living treasure.
Bit worried about the darkened room, though.
Bet you've never been called, 'treasure' before.
Mmmmmmh ?
Someone went to a ball... and had a great time...
Pretty lady wearing a beautiful hat.
I had never seen a cocoa bean in my life!!!!
and the fact you are staying in blog land when you can....
big smiley pod-head over in the UK.. :O)
I like the beautiful bright colors. Thanks for the link too.
You look very nice in the hat.
Thanks for your comments. Interesting to know that there are so many similarities between here and there (how the roads are dug up, how the holes in the ground are dealt with). I wonder if it is a "developing/underdeveloped country" thing or a cultural thing. Have you read "Orientalism" by Dr Edward Said? In it he quotes various people from the British colonial days who voice their views/opinions about people in Egypt and India. I was surprised to see there are so many similarities between Egypt and India... Even at that time (over 150 years ago) they comment about the way roads were built in Egypt (not about holes in the road, but rather just the fact that they are not straight). The book is much more than about roads, and Dr Said argues in it that Arabs and their culture have not been depicted properly (by the so-called European scholars). If I ever get a chance, I might quote from that book in one of my posts. It is a difficult read for me and I have not quite finished the book, but these parts jumped out at me.
Great hat:).
Nice info and photo on chocolate.
Ackworth Born (Hyde DP) kindly gave me this link to a song called "Hole in the Ground". I thought you might also like to hear/see it:
I have also not been able to post or visit blogs daily in the past few days. I will try to do it as and when I can for the next few weeks.
What a grand hat and you do look the grand lady in it. And chocolate too - I'm blissfully happy seeing you with my eye and imagining chocolate on my tongue.
did someone say chocolate?????
First, you look great in the hat! All ready for Melbourne Cup Day I reckon.
Great pics of the chocolate pods and the commentary - so interesting. I didn't expect the beans to be that colour.
Amazing to see the divine plant from which so many amazing things emerge :-)
Planet Earth Daily Photo.
You all make me laugh so.
Dive - are you there or still in the dark!!!
Have only just got on the internet today - yes our mysterious phone-line-cutter was at work last night so we have been out again all day - this is 4 times in the last month and it seems like every Wednesday night it happens!!! I am thinking of declaring Thursday a public holiday as no one can do any work around here!!! Honestly it just made me laugh today which is a change from kicking-in doors and swearing!!
Hope to post and visit you all tomorrow - well....we shall see what the day brings. Am off to bed - sat up watching a movie late last night because I couldn't blog!!!!
Night all!!!
Chocolate and a Melbourne Cup hat - now that's girl heaven, girl.
I liked the info about your photos. Nice hat too.
Good decision, Jules. I've put on a kilo just reading that post!
Go, Cadbury!
LOVE the Hat!! Love it!
Great post. You can never get enough chocolate.
Love your blog! Your pictures are always interesting, informative, fun, and the comments great.
I love you in the hat and wish women would wear them more often.
This is the first time I saw a cocoa bean. It's a beaut! As for the hat......... ur... hmmm.... I admire your courage! ;-)
yummy. cocoa.
nice hat!
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