Mango madness

This young tree is in my neighbour's yard and is bearing well. The mature trees grow to massive dimensions and make wonderful shade trees...although you must be careful of falling mango missiles - ouch!!!
I missed my Vietnam blog when it finished, so have started a new one called Through My Glass Eye.It is just a collection of photos from our travels. I was inspired by David's Digital Art so some of the photos I have played with to add effects - just for fun.
Mango season--yum! And your skywatch photo from yesterday was magnificent.
One of my favorite fresh fruits. You made my mouth water.
I like mango when it features on the menu, but I have had no success separating the fruit from the pit! Your presentation on the plate is beautiful.
Mango missles. 8^)
I start liking mangos the 1st time I travelled to the tropics because their flavour has nothing to do with the ones we can have here (imported still green!)...
Oh to be able to go out into the garden and pick a fresh long is the season for mangoes?
Gill in Canada
Hi All
uselaine - the trick is to slice down both sides of the seed as close as you can. Then criss-cross the 2 seedless pieces with a knife and turn the edges down. It is then very easy to eat!!!
Gill - The season is quite long goes right through Christmas and into the New Year.
please feel free to forward the British post on to anyone you want!!
Gill in Canada
Yum. Lovely color I even can taste! How's the pup doing? She's a cutie.
Thanks Gil
Tash - the pup is doing well and growing fast. She is a real character and must have spaniel in here as she loves the water!!!
Yupp, I'm thoroughly envious. Mangoes are one of my favorites and it is so seldom that you can find good ones here and then to have them affordable. $2-3 per mango is not affordable to me.
Mhh the mango looks delicious!
If they would not travel so long until they come to Europe (and they are not always ripe when they arrive) they were my favourite fruit!
They look great on the blue plate!
Oh yummy Jules I can almost taste the fruit....
That's what I already said. You live in heaven!
Here the journey must be too long for the mango. they are no good to eat
Oooooh, YUMMY!
We can never get ripe mangoes here; we have to buy them and then wait for a week or so.
My oldest son is SEVERELY allergic to mangos so we never have them...except when he isn't here and as he lives in China now we have them from time to time.... We were unaware that Mangos are in the same family as cashews, pistachios and of all things....poison ivy.
JUles...what a fine week of snaps to view. I'm touched by the people and the animal shots, moved by the "doors and windows" and delighted by the sky scape and the mango posting: loved your colour treatment in the mango, and enjoyed the close up of the leaves/trees/textures/pond water in the quarry etc.
Rabaul is always worth the visit.
Oh! My mouth is watering! These look delicious!
My favourite fruit. They should start to come down in price here soon.
I always make a real mess eating mangos.
another visual treat from your corner of the world. mango is my country's national fruit. thank you for sharing. really appreciate how amazing your work is. have a nice day.
Hi All
Thanks Lawstude - what a great National fruit to have. not sure what ours is but it would have to be bananas I guess!!!!
Kris - Mum used to make us eat mangoes in the backyard under the sprinkler - how cool was that!!!
ann - at the market ours range from 40 c to $1.50
Oh don't! I remember mangos from when I lived in Cairns. I buy them here sometimes but they've never been as good.
I am totally addicted to mango..
and to Jamaican Ginger beer.
other than that (and Kiwi Fruit) I am Okay
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