Mambu Haus Win
In this climate, outdoor living is very popular, and a haus win makes a great entertaining area.
Yesterday I asked if you could guess what PMV stood for. The funny thing is I asked people here the same question and got two different answers. So after some investigating my sources tell me - Public Motor Vehicle is the official term but on the streets many people will say People Moving Vehicle.
So congratulations Tom & Squirrel you have won the prize - which is a 24 hour open-ticket to ride on a PMV!!!
Gee, I am glad I failed the test! That PMV drive is not for me!! ;)
I like your last picture a lot. I hope it gets better and you can get your flight.
Ooh, to where are you flying out? Nasty ash can do shocking things to aeroplane engines.
Interesting how many of the Pacific Island peoples all build their huts in a similar way. I recall seeing some very similar in New Caledonia, Jules.
Mme B - will be flying down with the girls to Bris-vegas!!!
You are a very brave lady to live on a place where the first step off of dry land is 1000 feet down to the bottom and your neighbor is a smoking mountain. To me that is more frightening than a groaning, grinding crack in my front yard that emits wafts of sulfur and people watch the sides move up and down.
It's frightening but thrilling too. Do you get much dust into your house?
I reckon that Brizzy will not be too much different from Rabaul.
Last time I was there a couple of years back, I picked up the dialect in quick time.
We swam in pules and picked up John's kids from skule but never ordered any beer from Casssselmaine because you needed a licence to say it.
At Eumundi, things were diffent. You can say that even after a heavy session.
The key, I found, is to try and keep your mouth closed when you speak. And never wear shoes; or much, for that matter.
Just like being in Australia, really. Everything in Qld. is great, especially returning as soon as possible. I am sure that Rabaul is just like that, too !
I love those thatched roofs, Jules. Unfortunately outdoor living is only possible here if you are a particularly hardy type of lichen.
Your volcano is totally cool.
Those tatched roofs seem to be great.
Have a good trip.
Marie - yes we do - check out my post tomorrow and i should be able to show you what happens when it blows this way!!!
Abe - yes sometimes I wonder too what in the hell i am doing here but hey - the beauty of the place gets under your skin...... along with the ash!!!!
Geez, a volcano on one side and the deep blue sea on the've got a boat I hope!!!
BE SAFE!!! love to you!!!
It's interesting how you juxtaposed the mambu and the volcanic ash blow. Yikes.
That last picture is rather foreboding...
Planet Earth Daily Photo.
I do hope you get out safely Jules. That volcano looks so scary.
Jules, You said you are waiting to leave, where do you go after you leave? Just curious. Hope you don't mind me asking.
wow look at that sky--such an exotic place you live in!
re: the PMV --when we were young we would visit my grandfather's farm and we'd get in the back of a pickup (with a teenaged driver) speeding backwards and circling backwards through rutted fallow fields... there is nothing like going backwards fast--no one ever got hurt-- maybe a little bruised but we thought it was great! I had not thought of that in years!
Right Jane's booked me a 'One Way ticket'... I'll be over there real soon to collect my prize.. hee hee!
Great set of pictures here again, I like the roof, and the chap in the sea...
Keep checking the horizon for a dark lump... it could be me.
Yair; and me too.
Coming ready or not !!
..we here don't know we are born. Volcano, shut downs, PMV mayhem.
On my visit to PNG I was the "lucky" spectator of a Police truck overturning. The constable was comforting his wounded/dead dog.
I could not do without my regular Rabaul DP. ;-)
Oh, oh... Hope the vulcano calms down before the end of the month...
Meanwhile, have a great weekend; Pest will be waiting for you at Blogtrotter ;))
M B & Tom - I am sooo ready!!! Bia & G&Ts are on ice!!!
I just happened to find your beaut photos and was fascinated to finally see something of Rabaul. I lived in Rabaul and Madang in 1954/5. I have only one friend left from my Colyer Watson days to speak pidgin with. Do you live there permanently? I would love to be able to exchange a couple of emails with you. Would you mind contacting me?
Nic Mens
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