Sky Watch - Ze plane, ze plane!!
I was only 24 hours late - but who's counting. The dancers had obviously given up and all gone home so HWDB and Benson were my small but enthusiastic welcoming party!!!!

Posted by
12:01 AM
"I was simply restless, quite likely because of a dissatisfaction with the recent trajectory of my life, and if there is a better, more compelling reason for dropping everything and moving to the end of the world, I don't know what is."
--J. Maarten Troost, The Sex Lives of Cannibals (2004)
That's a truly dramatic sky. Looks like you're flying into a storm..
I'm sure where ever you go you always take ta little bit of sunshine with you....
Tom :O)
Now that's just taking posing to uncalled for extremes, Jules!
Hee hee!
Beutiful pictures, love to learn from this remote places to me...maybe one day will visit Papua!!! you make me feel like traveling away again!! thanks!
I see the plane. No offerings dropping to the gods or anything?
See my SkyWatch post here > Canon Pixels
Nice lighting on the vessels on the water, Jules. He has managed to capture a bit of everything in this one.
Great photo - and I'd sure like a fly past over my house!
Perfect catch for Skywatch! Mine's up too hope you can drop by.... Happy weekend!
Good swf photos, I wish I was there.
Great picture Jules. Also love the welcome ceremony hope you had a good one! The children are adorable; a bit shy but like children are curious!
GEEZ! What a Paradise sweetie!! Lovely!hughugs
I zee ze plane. Very nice.
a sky dramatic
but a plane ...
I too see "ze plane, ze plane!!" I just wish I'd been to the party!!
Great SWF photo though!!
The title made me lol, then I noticed such a dramatic sky.
Wonderful photo! How cool that you were in the plane! And what a terrific view.
Brilliant sky watch photo jules :)
And it is always cool to fly past your house.
That is an awesome shot! Want to hear something funny? I thought that was a bird till I enlarged the picture and saw a plane instead. I am I am getting kind of crazy.
We all see ze plane -- and we're glad you landed safely.
Where was the brass band? Good to know you're safely home again. Flying in NG makes me nervous.
Great photo.
Waves back at Jules. :) Nice photo for SWF. Love the combination of the plane and the sailboats. Have a nice weekend.
Wonderful stormy sky. Shame there was no cargo cult welcome.
very nice!wonderful
Hi Everyone - thanks for your comments!!!
I do see you waving-- I do feel like I know your home a bit, so if i ever get to visit, i won't be a complete dunderhead.
sad to see on Ched's blog that you can't see the videos--but if you can see Youtube videos--they are also posted there, under user "eddiewilbury" and they are better quality for viewing--blogger squooshes them .
popping back in with the link
the liberator - many thanks for your suggestions but i can't see YouTube either owing to dial up speeds that would embarrass a snail!!! I connect at 30 Kbps but usually only get 12 to 20 Kbps. Even downloading people's comment's page can be a struggle - the life of a blogger here is very difficult.
this is such a great shot.....and I am waving back from over here!
Is everything okay? I know you are quite a distance from Lae and around the other end of a separate island. But 6.3 will create havoc in the ocean.
Take care ...
Hi Jules! First of all many thanks for your comment on my post of 08.08.08 at 08h08 at Blogtrotter, now in Kos, Greece! It was great to read you there. Second, sorry for the long delay to come here, but August was a terribly busy month, as everybody else seems to be in vacation…
Anyhow, I found sometime now to land here and enjoy your blog. The skies are stunning! And the faces, wonderful pics. Great treat! Hope you had a warm welcome!
Wish you a great weekend!
The contrast is amazing! The depth of that sky is almost frightening!
Hi Jules...
Thanks for your comments, but mostly I'd like to thank you for supp[orting my blogs.. for your friendship and good humour.... I have now closed Wiggers World down for a while.. but I have left the address of my other new blog there.
All the best.
Opening a bottle of champagne and toasting you!
That is a beautiful photo! Never known anyone who has lived in that part of the world before. It must be a fascinating place.
Jules, is the pop-up comments box easier to load, or do you prefer a full page like this?
Julie - what earthquake??? haven't heard about it but i presume there was one in Lae??? We often get them up here and Lae gets them a lot too. 6.3 is not a huge one here as the bedrock is pumice and tends to diffuse the shockwaves. The biggest we have had lately was an 8.1 in 2000 which did a bit of minor damage eg water tanks exploding, solar hot water systems falling off rooves, stuff falling off shelves etc but no one was injured and no buildings were damaged - amazing hey!!!!
uselaine - this type is usually easier as there is no extra photos or URLs to add. I try and download them without all the user photos too which I can do on Internet Explorer
I'm afraid to this plane under the clouds like this
Hi, Jules. Couldn't resist leaving you a note on this one.
Everyone should have a small dose of daily Rabaul.
Absolutely love this pic!!!
What remarkable phrase
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