Friday, November 23, 2007

Stormy weather

I was going to post about our stormy weather of late, but am unable to upload any photos because of hopeless phone connections - stay tuned I will try again later.


Annie said...

Sometimes it's quite nice to just imagine the storm. It gives me vivid moments of pleasure, Jules, but I know the phone lines frustrate you.

Marie said...

Good luck, dear Jules. The weather is bad here too. We had a storm in the late afternoon.

Wayne said...

Sorry to here about your upload issues, Jules. I know how frustrating that can be. It is still Thanksgiving day here, so I wanted to wish you a happy Thanksgiving, and I hope you are having a great day.

Fabrizio Zanelli said...

No problem Jules I will wait for this photo 'cause I absolutely love stormy weather, so take your time (BTW Annie is in right)

Ann (MobayDP) said...

Ahh Jules, I wish you all the best with your internet connection problems. As a fellow "3rd World" island resident I know how frustrating & slow these things can be!

Anonymous said...

Phones are great when they work.

M.Benaut said...

The good Lord blesses us.

The news on TV tells me that there has just been an earthquake in your nick of the woods.

Crikey ! it's just one thing after another.
I can't think of a nicer place in the universe to experience these natural phenomena. I would love to be as close to nature as you guys are.

So long as no one is hurt, I hope you are all OK.

quintarantino said...

Don't worry. We are always around.
Is everything ok with you?

Chuckeroon said...

Can't wait!!!!!!!! But I'll be there when it comes.

Jules said...

Hi All - email line is working enough to post but our main phone line is out - oh well!!! Thanks for hanging in there - HOPE to catch up with you today !!!!

Shirley M said...

I enjoyedd reading this