Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Breakfast in Rabaul

Bon Appetite to all daily city bloggers!!!! And yes I am here in one piece – the bomb has gone. No it didn’t blow up. Some men in a padded van with padded undies came and took it away!!!!!

Back to breakfast -
It is said that - When in Rome do as the Romans do or maybe eat as the Roman’s eat. So that is what I try and do here in PNG, but there are no quaint dark café’s in tree-lined boulevards to have my cappuccino and croissant in…………here breakfast falls from the trees.

And of course I have added something to my breakfast tray that an Aussi can’t do without.


Lavenderlady said...

Now that looks like fresh! Yum! Is the vegamite what an Aussie can't do without?

Gerald (SK14) said...

lots of fruit there - you surely don't get through the whole plateful do you?

BundaWAH said...

How is the taste of mixed vegemite and mango or pineapple?
I imagine it could be sweet and salty ?

Denton said...

You may have inspired my breakfast selection tomorrow morning ... Pleased that the bomb is gone.

Kate said...

What bomb???!!! Your healthy breakfast looks pretty good!

Keropokman said...

I like everything there except Vegemite! hehe...

Happy Theme Day.

julia said...

That looks healthy and refreshing. Fruit with vegemite? just joking.

Anonymous said...

Ahh, mangos! That's my pick. Beautifully presented breakfast Jules. Sadly I can't eat fresh pineapple as it is too acidic and I'm ashamed to say that I can't eat much vegemite either as it gives me indigestion. What sort of an Aussie am I? I'm a total coffee glutton though - drink the stuff all day and all night and still manage to sleep.

Jules said...

mme benaut - you would love PNG coffee - it is fabulous!!!!

lavenderlady - yes you are right - vegemite. It is what we Australians are weaned on - or so the story goes!!! Probably why we have weird senses of humour too.
The trick is to use it very very sparingly - just a thin layer on crunchy toast - yum!!!

hyde dp - i usually don't have much appetitie in the morning so the whole thing is just for show - except the vegemite of course!!!!

dundawah -& julia - you have given me an idea!!!!

Neva said...

Vegemite is from Australia would be my guess!! very cute.

Marie said...

What is vegemite? :-))

Très appétissant! I have already "swallowed" my breakfast. I could have taken a photo but my two biscottes, my banana and my yogurt would have looked a bit miserable!

Yours looks wonderful.

Sally said...

Fantastic! And, yep, survival rations of vegemite are an essential for any Aussie living away from home!

A big bowl of mango and pineapple - what a great brekky!

jb said...

Or Kiwi!
And we buy PNG coffee from the Tin Shed on Wheels (
This is exactly my breakfast in the Far East

Jules said...

marie - how do I explain vegemite - well it is black, has the consistency of axle grease and it tastes like.......vegemite!! Maybe salty, beefy....???

jb - glad you are helping the PNG economy - well done!!!! PNG coffee is the best - yum!!!!

Jilly said...

All that fruit looks delicious. Fell abut at the vegemite!

Anonymous said...

Lucky you!! Taste of fruits is quite different, if you get them from trees or after one month trip, when they are taken as raw from trees :)
But we have berries now in our forests.
I hope, your friend will stay in Finland also next week, because our weather has been terrible during last days, but next week should be warm and sunny!

R&R said...

"Here breakfast falls from the trees" ... what a great line! Nice post.

Anonymous said...

It looks good to me. I love fresh fruit and vegetables but eat eggs and bacon most of the time.

Brookville Daily Photo-Theme Day

Beetle said...

Hmmm...looks a healthy breakfast,good idea to try it at home,thanks!

Steve Buser said...

Eating my Cheerios here, but just keep getting hungrier, reading all the comments.

--steve buser
New Orleans Daily Photo

M.Benaut said...

Do you think that we Aussies are branded as members of some sort of evil cult through our devotion to Vegemite.
Your description to marie was "spot - on'.
We should send her some.

Olivier said...

c'est tres beau, la coquillage est superbe. voila un tres beau petit dejeuner

it is very beautiful, the shell is superb. veiled a very beautiful breakfast

travelphilippines said...

yummm. fruity breakfast.

Janet said...

So fresh, so tasty, so good for you.

Jules said...

m benaut - a crate is being winged to mme benaut as we speak - with instructions how to use it when oiling and greeasing the car!!!!

Anonymous said...

yumm.. wish i could have mango and pineapple for breakfast everyday.

ah well just have to stick to the vegemite.

erin xx.

Jules said...

Erin - I'll save you some!!!

AntiguaDailyPhoto.Com said...

Fresh fruit falls from the trees... that is the best way to have a healthy breakfast.

Do they have capuccino trees too?

Tomate Farcie said...

Ah, yes, the vegemite!! Like i was saying on Sally's blog, I have a jar here brought back to me by an Internet buddy a couple of years back. Wonder if it's still good?

Z said...

Fruits like ripe mango for breakfast sounds like paradise! I'm coming over...

Jules said...

tomato farcie - if the vegemite bottle hasn't been opened it will probaly be fine - does it have a use-by date? Remember just a very fine scraping is best if you want to try it on toast or a biscuit!! Let me know how it goes!!!!

antiguadaily - What a smashing idea cappucino trees - if only!!!!

lv2scpbk said...

Nice touch with the sea shells.

Ann (MobayDP) said...

What is that fruit in the middle? That bumpy one?

Jules said...

ann - it is a pineapple (without the leaves on top) - the ladies in the market break them off so they fit in the basket better. If you put the top in the ground a pineapple plant will grow.