Time to head back....... and as we turn to leave, we see this group of coconut trees with interesting trunks. As you drove past they look like they are moving. What do they remind you of?
Posted by
6:32 AM
"I was simply restless, quite likely because of a dissatisfaction with the recent trajectory of my life, and if there is a better, more compelling reason for dropping everything and moving to the end of the world, I don't know what is."
--J. Maarten Troost, The Sex Lives of Cannibals (2004)
Hi Jules, have just caught up on all your posts for the last 10 days or so, while I was away. You certainly live in a fascinating place!
Welcome back cabacurl - I missed your comments!!!
I am just discovering your blog and am so happy to see a new place. I was reading you at Adelaide and had to ask, "Where on earth today do they still have pc access by telephone?!"
I'll try to drop by from time to time as there seems like a lot of interesting things to discover in your part of the world.
Hi Michael - welcome to PNG - it is an amazing place - the land of the unexpected but it has terrible internet access!!!!
Wow, I just realized how you have to upload your pictures and visit other sites...I'm really impressed! that is a dedicated blogger.
I like them. They seem to be dancing :-)) You live in an extraordinary country. You don't see that anywhere else.
Jules, it must happen as we get mature,worldly and sophisticated....I have also left those "lost" times on Bundy and coke, and am now a wine drinker also. So, that begs the question, how do you go about getting wine in Rabaul? Are there bottle-shops like in Oz? Do you buy it in yourself? And may i be so bold as to pass on my email address, as i have other nosey questions for you, which of course you are free to ignore! ;-)
cabacurl - we do have so much in common - would love to get your email and have a chat!!
cabacurl - Oh I forgot to answer the booze question - we can buy wine up here but it is very dear I think there is 100% import duty on wine, then there is freight and the kina/dollar conversion which goes against us. A very average bottle of wine is $AUS20.
It is also often affected by the heat. But we do get by. I do drink gin & tonics during the day here as wine doesn't cope well in the heat.
They remind me of dancers.
Abraham Lincoln
Thee tree's remind me of flamingo's legs, at a shrimp's eye level of course. ;)
I've done a special Violent Veg poster just for you today Jule's. Yestoday my better half Jane came back from shopping and bought me a Violent Veg mug with the picture of Tom swimming against the 'Currents'
Have a nice week end...
abraham & old tom - how creative of you both!!!
old tom - you're the first person to ever do a violent vege poster for me -I'm touched!!
I have never seen as many coconuts anywhere as in Rabaul. Great blog!
Before I read any of the comments, - I can hear Poetry in Motion - playing as these palm trees apparently sway and dance together.
If I get 4 hours sleep I could be first-in this morning to see where you're taking us next.
The remind me of blades of grass just on a different scale ... I had assumed the coconut trees all sloped the same direction until this photo proved that is not the case.
Have a look a at some photos of the "Gherkin" in London....the criss cross of the palms is reminiscnet.
Wine in PNG....definitley not, I think. Too criminal.
Nice trip. Have you played Riven the game?
The trees look like strands of weaving that have come undone. This is very pretty sight.
everyone - you are all very creative with your observations !!
popol - hi wantok - i know where you profile photo was taken - do you come from here???? you are right about coconuts - great tracks of this part of the island were taken over to copra planatations. will be doing a post on copra soon.
Where's the insect? :-) I'm such a city girl, yikes... my association here were the things that wipe car shields dry at the end of the line in the automatic carwash places... Might just be my bad conscience for not having washed my car in forever.
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