Monday, August 20, 2007

Dolphin escort

When you go by boat anywhere around here, you usually have a dolphin escort. Sometimes the sea is alive, as far as you can see, with them.

The dolphins around here are Spinner Dolphins – a small breed that flip themselves out of the water and spin around. Quite magical to see.

Dolphins have been known to do amazing things like save swimmers from sharks. Have you had any dolphin experiences?


Tom said...

The first picture is beautiful Jules, I've never seen one in real life but would love to. they seem to fill some many people with awe.

Abhishek said...

great captures. Dolphins are so graceful. I remember a school of dolphins once gave me company during the most perfect sunset on Clearwater beach pier that I have ever witnessed.

M.Benaut said...

They are magnificent and friendly creatures. All our Port River dolphins are known by name to the locals.
Perhaps the same is true in Rabaul?

CaBaCuRl said...

Two wonderful photos, Jules. We often have dolphins playing and body-surfing in the waves off our headland. I love it when they leap out of the water, almost in sheer exhilaration.
Thanks for sharing your music with me.

Denton said...

Beautiful photos. The water is so blue and to capture for dolphins in one photo is very impressive. Your life in Rabaul seems idyllic.

Janet said...

Nope, but they are fun to watch from the beach.

lv2scpbk said...

Wonderful shots.

Squirrel said...

great pix-- as a girl from the north country who loves winter and vacationing in places like Iceland Ireland, Canada and Finland, I have to tell you that since looking at this blog, I actually would like to spend some time in New Guinea one day-- I have never been enamoured of a tropical place before this!

Annie said...

I've never had a dolphin experience though I did have a whale of a whale experience once. I was in the Boston Bay and two whales came alongside the tour boat and stayed nearby for a while. It was wonderful.

I didn't catch anything on my fishing trip - but if I had I likely would have released it. I prefer to just relax and enjoy the water, like the fish probably also do.

Jules said...

m benaut - the dolphins don't seem to come close enough to shore to be recognized - they stay out beyond the reef and there are usually so many of them you would never know which was which

squirrel - I am chuffed you feel that way - glad I could open your mind to traveling in different places. However remember I am showing you the best bits.

annie - we get pilot whales up here too but I haven't been close to any - would love too!!

denton - I do enjoy it - but there are things I miss - like decent phone connections, roads without potholes and fresh mushrooms!!!

Anonymous said...

I love the photos , they are beautiful animals. They are so graceful. I went swimming with dolphins 2 months ago it was an amazing experience.

Jules said...

Maddie - you are very lucky -what an amazing experience it must have been!!!

Steve Buser said...

Jules, awesome photos. I'm jealous.
--steve buser
New Orleans Daily Photo

Fabrizio Zanelli said...

Your photos are breathttaking and no, unfortunately I didn't have any dolphin experience yet

• Eliane • said...

Awesome pictures there.
No dolphin experience for me besides a totem name as a kid and the dolphin friendly tuna sandwich they serve at Prêt-à-Manger here.

Lizzy said...

Your photo is amazing Jules, we do get dolphins off the coast here at Durlston, which is near Swanage, but I have never been lucky enough to see any

Jules said...

Thanks all for your nice comments. Will try to visit all my new visitors later in the day - hopefully when the phone lines are better!!!!

Anonymous said...

I love your dolphin photos. They look so good they almost look unreal. Or professional. Very nice photographs.

I remember dolphins ( I guess) followed us from Japan to Iwo Jima and then on the Pacific from Oakland to Yokohama there were dolphins that sometimes appeared and followed in the wake at the front of the ship.

And also the Albatross would land on the water in the middle of the ocean days from anywhere. Huge birds.

Thanks for your visit to my blog and for the comment.

I was not able to post today as I could not get into my photos at Photobucket and I started trying to get in at 4:00 a.m. and finally gave up altogether. It works now but I have no desire this late in the day to post anything. So for the first time ever, I missed a day.

I did get my new camera and I messed with that today but I am so used to viewing through a viewfinder and this has a 3 inch LCD screen. And this you don't focus. It is focused. This has a Leica lens (a good one). So it will take some work on my part to learn how to use it.

Most of the fair stuff or the country fair is on my website. I am also experimenting with a new blog and will have nothing on it but birds. if you want to see the experiment. You will have to use the full width of the browser window.

Isn't life wonderful? My wrist is even feeling better.

Nabeel said...

hmm i like the first picture, shows I don't know, like they are traveling in group and the position they took are not random. Cool.

Dolphins, do save humans from sharks, I agree :) But did you know the dolphins have gangs among them and kidnap female dolphins.

Anonymous said...

They are truly awesome Jules. Lucky you.

Jilly said...

How did I miss these gorgeous dolphins. Great photos.

Sadly I've never seen a dolphin close up and would love to swim with them. Such magnificent creatures. Sometimes, when I lived on Tasmania, I'd see a school of them.

We had a baby dolphin recently in Menton - everything possible was done to try and save it but it didn't work and it died. So sad.

Bergson said...

I believe that I would have plunged in your place